Development Plans & Zoning Bylaws
Hesperia Development Corporation – The Villages at Okanagan Landing, Vernon
- Directed the preparation of and drafted a Neighbourhood Development Plan for a 28 hectare (69 acre) site owned by the City of Vernon and being developed by a City appointed land development corporation. The development plan provides for up to 1200 units of multiple family housing. Planned as a sustainable neighbourhood, with up to 50 percent
of the housing to be attainably priced for lower and moderate income families.
- Directed the community consultation process as part of the plan preparation.
- Drafted the comprehensive development zone bylaw to implement the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
- Drafted the development agreement between the City and the Hesperia Development Corporation.
In working with the Cities of Edmonton, Ottawa and Vancouver, extensive involvement in numerous neighbourhood development plans, redevelopment projects, and direct control, comprehensive development zoning bylaws.